About your Teacher

Hello. My name is Mr. Wiggin and I will be your teacher for the course you are taking. Under normal circumstances we would jump right in and you would get to know me along the course of the class. However these are not normal circumstances and I can understand how strange and unsettling it must be to learn from people you’ve never met aside from a grainy image on your computer screen. So here is a little Q&A, questions courtesy of Forbes.

What brought you here? I grew up in Braintree and attended Braintree High School. I even had history in the same classroom where I currently teach it. I always loved history and through blind luck became a teacher. It makes some sort of universal sense that I end up teaching back where I used to live.

What are you reading currently? I am reading David Howarth’s “Adventurers: The Improbable Rise of the East India Company: 1550-1650.” It’s ok but not as quick a read as I was hoping for

What’s the first career you dreamed of having as a kid? Underwater explorer. As a kid I loved nature and was obsessed with reading about the famed Jacques Cousteau. I thought I would be diving to the bottom of the Marianas Trench or swimming with whales. Still love the sea and nature but would currently pass on the deep sea dive, especially in light Titantic visiting events.

What’s the last text you sent? Tough question but I’ll answer honestly. Last text I sent “Yes”

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your 18-year-old self? I would give myself 3 pieces of advice. 1. Invest in Apple, Netflix, Amazon 2. Hurry and go find Mrs Wiggin. She’s attending Wellesley College next year and you should seize every moment you can with her 3. Take time and do the things you want to do

How can someone win a gold star with you? Respond in uncommon ways during uncommon times. For example: calmly and coolly dealing with a crisis, taking the time to help someone when you’re in a rush, showing thoughtfulness and respect to someone who you don’t need to.

What’s your guilty pleasure? They ask this like there is supposed to be one, I have several dozen. First that comes to mind Ben & Jerry’s “Phish Food” go buy yourself some right now if you haven’t had it before it is life changing.

If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? Play Banjo, read and walk the dogs. Assuming its night and everyone else is asleep these 3 things help me relax.

So there are some pieces of information, if you want to know more just ask!